Day 4 of Waste Workers Emergency Relief Project successfully concluded in three sites on 22nd May, 2020. We reached out to a total of 92 waste workers in Chabahil, Anamnagar, and Swayambhu. The distribution was conducted in the facilitation of Nepsemyak Sewa Pvt. Ltd. that manages 40% waste workers of Kathmandu Valley.
The first event was held in Chabahil where 33 waste workers were provided with relief materials, awareness sessions, and medical consultations. The second event was held in Ananmnagar for 11 waste workers followed by 48 waste workers in Swayambhu.
The Founder and President of CREASION, Mr. Aanand Mishra’s presence in the distribution was very encouraging. The Managing Director of Nepsemyak also attended the distribution and expressed his appreciation and gratitude to CREASION and The Coca-Cola Foundation for helping the waste workers in their network at this time of crisis.
The Waste Workers Emergency Relief Project initiated by CREASION and supported by The Coca-Cola Foundation will continue its strive to help waste workers during this crucial time through further distribution and programs in the coming week.