Unleashing the Youth Power

By Suvechchha Chapagain
Jun 22, 2019

The three-day workshop titled “Empower+” was organized by Volunteer for Change from 19 June- 21 June 2019. The workshop comprised of sessions on Public Speaking, Report Writing and CV and Cover Letter Writing provided respectively by Dr. Bishal Dhakal, Founder of Health at Home, Ms. Kribina Pathak, Knowledge Management and Research Officer at Nepal Water Conservation Foundation and Mr. Rajan Koirala, Chief Business Officer at edusanjal. The youths from five different colleges attended the sessions aimed at equipping them with skills necessary for career development.

Empower+ started off with a Public Speaking Session where Dr. Bishal Dhakal highlighted the importance of effective communication and provided participants with the techniques to improve their public speaking. Similarly, Kribina Pathak, on the Report Writing Session, explained the format and styles of a report in a participatory approach. Lastly, the workshop ended with a CV and Cover Letter Writing session by Rajan Koirala where each participant prepared their complete CV and Cover letter as per his guidelines. Koirala also provided students with tips and techniques to confidently face a job interview.

Empower+ turned out to be a holistic program where the participants engaged in meaningful discussion and activities and made most out of their time. 

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