Prospects of Turning Recycling Saathi into a Sustainable Research Centre

By Suvechchha Chapagain
Dec 19, 2019

With the aim of looking into the prospects of turning Recycler Saathi into a sustainable research center, Recycler Saathi hosted the exemplary couple from New York, James Dean Conklin, filmmaker, director, and climate activist, and Elisa Zazzera, compost master at its office in Bharatpur, Chitwan earlier this week.

The couple observed the bailing operations and construction works in the Recycler Saathi site and provided their suggestions on how we could add more eco-friendly components to our works. Also, they held an interaction with our volunteers where they acquainted them with multiple aspects of composting and recycling. 

We wish them good luck on their way back to the United States and look forward to our next meeting in March 2020.

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