On April 18th, 2023, the Youth Innovation Lab and its consortium partners, Restless Development, CREASION, and CDMS, organized the Provincial Kick-off meeting of the Nepali Yuwa in Climate Action and Green Growth (NYCAGG) project in Surkhet. The event was chaired by Raj Kumar Sharma, the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Karnali Province, and attended by representatives from various sectors, including provincial and local government, MoFAGA, CSOs, academics, banking and finance, and youth groups in the Karnali Province. The event's key highlights were the launch of the NYCAGG project, and the idea call for the Innovation Grant 2023 by the Chief Minister of Karnali Province.
The NYCAGG project, which is funded by the European Union, aims to empower youths aged 15-29 by providing them with a platform to enhance their entrepreneurial growth in the green economy sector and engage them in disaster and climate-related governance and advocacy. Following the successful completion of the project in Madhesh Province in 2022, the NYCAGG project will be implemented in Karnali Province in 2023, with its three components: Climate Fellowship, Climate Smart Entrepreneurship, and Data-driven advocacy. The Provincial Kick-off Meeting included an overview of the NYCAGG Project and Innovation Grant 2023, guest remarks from MoFAGA and Local Governments, the launch of the NYCAGG Project, special remarks from CREASION, chief guest remarks, a world café discussion on the partnership to strengthen the engagement of youth in climate and disaster governance, green entrepreneurship, and data-driven advocacy, and closing remarks from Youth Innovation Lab.
During the overview of the NYCAGG project, Goma Karki, the Project Lead, Youth Innovation Lab, shared that the Climate Fellowship component will be implemented in nine local governments, namely Chaukune Rural Municipality, Barahatal Rural Municipality, Panchapuri Municipality, Thatikandh Rural Municipality, Bhairabi Rural Municipality, Khadachakra Municipality, Mahawai Rural Municipality, Naraharinath Rural Municipality, and Tilagufa Municipality. Additionally, it will also be implemented at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Law, Karnali Province. A cohort of ten technically proficient youth will be stationed at these government offices to support the localization of the Bipad Portal, https://bipadportal.gov.np/, and the preparation of the Local Disaster and Climate Resilience Plan (LDCRP). Karki also shared that through the Climate Smart Entrepreneurship component, the six best green ideas will be awarded the Innovation Grant 2023 and will have opportunities to work with mentors to further their business ideas. Furthermore, selected digital volunteers from Karnali Province will collect data on environmental and climatic concerns and communicate them to policymakers for policy changes.
Sharing about the Innovation Grant 2023, Phurpa Sherpa, shared that idea call for Climate Smart Entrepreneurship is ongoing and will be open till 18 May 2023 and invited the youth and young professionals of Karnali Province to participate in the call.
The kick-off meeting was also graced by distinguished guests who shared their special remarks, such as the Hon’ble Chief Minister, Raj Kumar Sharma,Mr. Mayor Lalbir Bhandari the Mayor of Panchapuri municipality, Mr. Santosh Kumar Khatri, representative from MoFGA, and Mr. Sudeep Thakuri, Dean of Mid-western University.
Mr. Aanand Mishra, Founder & President, CREASION also shared his remarks on the importance of the role of youths in development and the importance of projects such as NYCAGG to empower and uplift the youths of today.
Lastly, closing remarks were given by, Mr. Pradip Khatiwada, Executive Director of YI-lab, who shared about youth empowerment through Nepali Yuwa in Climate Action and Green Growth Project and that through NYCAGG project, it will be creating young professionals with field exposure in the sector of DRR and CCA governance, Green Entrepreneurship, and Data-driven Advocacy.