Experience of interacting with informal sectors

By Sapana Sharma
Oct 09, 2023

The informal sector primarily revolves around the waste management industry, where individuals engage in the collection, sorting, and sale of recyclable materials to generate income. These informal workers operate independently, without direct ties to formal organizations or sectors.

My encounter with these waste workers and participants in the informal sector was a truly eye-opening experience. It shed light on the distinctive manner in which they conduct their tasks, their unique work processes, their work environments, and the way they are perceived and treated by both society and local authorities.

Despite their pivotal role in managing waste, a crucial aspect of urban life, they are often marginalized and stigmatized. Local governments sometimes subject them to discrimination, even prohibiting their access to certain areas. This restrictive treatment is due in part to the unfortunate involvement of some informal sector workers in unlawful activities.

In our discussions, these individuals candidly shared the hardships they face on a daily basis. They are frequently denied their basic rights, and their children encounter resistance when attempting to enroll in boarding schools, despite their parents' financial capability. The desire to embark on entrepreneurial endeavors remains largely unrealized due to inadequate financial support, compelling them to accept low-paying jobs. Furthermore, they often struggle to receive regular and fair compensation for their hard work. Regrettably, their significant contributions to society frequently go unnoticed, with many people unfairly branding them as thieves and using derogatory terms to refer to them. This issue extends beyond waste workers, affecting even the owners of Informal Recycling Centers (IRCs).

It is disheartening that these individuals find themselves accused of deeds they have not committed and are readily judged by society. Local authorities often take action without concrete evidence. Notably, many of these informal workers reside in the locality of the Bagmati corridor area, where these challenges are particularly prevalent.

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